Monday 23 September 2013

Kegal Excercises-No need for a gym membership!

A Kegal workout is basically strengthening you Puboccygeous muscles or more commonly known as your PC muscles. This muscle runs from the pubic bone to the tailbone and supports the pelvic floor. Woman who regularly work out the PC muscles can have stronger more intense orgasms and can improves some forms of urinary incontinence. Men can also benefit from a kegal work out helping maintain a stronger, long lasting erection. But for this particular article we will be just talking about the female kegals.

Finding your PC muscles: Pretend to hold your urine (please don't actually stop your urine to find your PC muscles this actually weakens your muscles and can cause issues with not fully emptying your bladder.) You could also stick a finger into your vagina and squeeze.

Alright so we found the muscles.

Let's excercises!

Squeeze your PC muscles for 3-5 seconds as hard as you can. Relax for 5 seconds. Start off with 5 repetitions but please always be conscious of your body. Don't push yourself too hard.

A great work out buddy are Ben Wa Balls creating resistance and awareness. Some Ben Wa Balls vibrate for a more stimulating sexual experience, some have a silicone string making it easier to remove and you can also play a game of tug-o-war with your PC muscles for an added work out. Come check out the large selection kegal balls at The Boutique we can help you find the right set for you.